Sunday, August 22, 2010

More 9000...

. Themes are posted @ ! Supercute and and not large files, either! Perfect for us :) She really thinks of everything!

That being said- make sure to sign up for Nancy Drew's theme club each month( ) so the club doesn't go away!

Another themer with a few cute 9000 themes is @Ashabees ! I bought her Fairy Tale theme which I also had on my 9700. If you want her to add a 9000 theme club, we have to bug her, but not TOO much! How about it, Ash?! ;)

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Another 9000...

Another 9000 user who loves her phone and has posted a 9000 FREE Hello Kitty theme for us is @tennacgal. She can be reached by going to She has a 9700 as well as the original bold, but has been a convert just like I have. She is the one who turned me back on to the bold! Thanks, girly!

Her themes are cute, clean and whether you have a 9000 or 9700, you will love using her themes! I always have one(or more, if posted, HINT HINT :P) on my phone.

Whether you have a Bold I or a Bold II go see her- and make sure to leave a comment to support our newfound BOLD frenzy!

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Monday, August 16, 2010

9000 Themes

As most of you may know, it's far and few between to find quality 9000 themes. My favorite spot (and close friend, may I add!) is at Phantom's BB Themes. That link will take you straight to her FREE 9000 themes. She also has a theme club w/ @Blackberrytheme ( ) at Cute BB Themes. Quality work!

Another bargain, JUST IN CASE you haven't heard: Blackberry Theme Park! $19.95 FOR LIFE! It's totally worth buying a membership. Quality themers and great themes! More than worth the $19.95.


There is a new trend as of late, and it's definitely not the Torch! It's an oldy by technology standards, but certainly a goody. It's the Blackberry 9000.
Just hold this beauty in your hand, and you can see why some have given up Storm 2's, Blackberry Bold II's(9700) as well as Iphones just to have this reliable phone. No, it may not have the fastest processor, but it's not much of a trade off to have the sturdiness in your hands.
That being said, I am a card carrying Blackberry Bold 9000 user, and I LOVE it! Sure, a trackpad and a wee bit (okay, a lot) more memory would make this beauty PERFECT, but the size is what's sold me. It's sold me so much that I've ordered a pink housing. Pics will be posted before, during and after once I receive the housing and get it changed!

Join the revolution :)

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