Monday, August 16, 2010


There is a new trend as of late, and it's definitely not the Torch! It's an oldy by technology standards, but certainly a goody. It's the Blackberry 9000.
Just hold this beauty in your hand, and you can see why some have given up Storm 2's, Blackberry Bold II's(9700) as well as Iphones just to have this reliable phone. No, it may not have the fastest processor, but it's not much of a trade off to have the sturdiness in your hands.
That being said, I am a card carrying Blackberry Bold 9000 user, and I LOVE it! Sure, a trackpad and a wee bit (okay, a lot) more memory would make this beauty PERFECT, but the size is what's sold me. It's sold me so much that I've ordered a pink housing. Pics will be posted before, during and after once I receive the housing and get it changed!

Join the revolution :)

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